Turnover at the top is important from many perspectives, some good and some bad. A new, experienced CEO can turn a company around but on the other side, a CFO resignation can point to deeper internal problems.
Hudson Labs uses proprietary AI modes to identify, tag and summarize turnover among executives and the board, as disclosed in 8-Ks. We track both appointments and departures (resignation, dismissal, retirement and death).
Coverage universe: U.S. issuers filing 8-Ks
Coverage initiation date: Jan 1, 2019
Screen for companies with executive turnover
Find the executive turnover screen on the "Ideas" page of the Hudson Labs platform.
Screen inclusion criteria: At least one departure of a non-board member disclosed in an 8-K between 2022 and now.

Data dictionary:
Company page - Executive turnover view
This view covers appointments and departures for both executives and directors. Find details on the "Red flags" section of the relevant company page of the Hudson Labs platform.

Notifications and summaries of executive turnover via feed and email:
The feed view covers appointment and departure for executives and chairs, but not board members. See the company page for a complete view.

Access executive turnover data and more on the Hudson Labs platform. Book a demo today.
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