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Bankruptcy warnings - Hudson Labs datasets

Substantial doubt about an entity’s ability to continue as a “going concern” exists when the business faces the risk of a cash crunch or liquidity crisis in the next 12 months. This risk can be caused by insufficient revenue from operations, a large debt obligation coming due or other cash flow pressures. In short, substantial doubt about a company’s ability to continue as a going concern means there’s a real risk of bankruptcy. 

Hudson Labs uses specialized AI models to track, extract and summarize these bankruptcy warnings in real-time. Hudson Labs provides the only complete, real-time dataset of going concern warnings across all U.S. public companies, helping our customers track and react to changes in liquidity risk. 

Coverage universe: All U.S. public companies that have filed at least one 10-K since 2019

Coverage initiation date: Jan 1, 2019

Screen for companies with going concern warnings

Find the “Going concern warnings” screen on the "Ideas" page of the Hudson Labs platform.

Screen inclusion criteria: At substantial doubt about going concern disclosed in the last 12 months.

Display Name


GC warning summary

Summary of the disclosed details for the most recent going concern warning

Filing link

The most recent filing that disclosed a going concern warning

Company page - Going concern warnings

Find details on substantial doubt about going concern disclosure over time under the "Red flags" section of the relevant company page of the Hudson Labs platform.

Notifications and summaries of going concern warnings via feed and email:

Refer to the “Feeds” page for the most recent going warning alerts. Use the filter options to view recent risk warnings for your company watchlist or sector of interest. Refer to the company page for a complete view of going concern wants over time. 

Update your email preferences and subscribe for bankruptcy warning push notifications by following the instructions here


Access bankruptcy risk tracking and more on the Hudson Labs platform. Book a demo today.

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