Find answers to the most common questions about the Hudson Labs market intelligence platform.
How many stocks does Hudson Labs cover?
We cover U.S. public issuers.
Investment background memo: We provide coverage for all companies with a market capitalization of $300M or more that have filed a 10-K in the last year, approximately 2,800 companies. Need micro cap coverage? Get in touch for a quote.
Risk assessment coverage: We provide red flag detection for over 8,000 companies, all EDGAR issuers that have filed a 10-K, 10-Q, 8-K, S-1 or 20-F since 2019. We do not cover Asset-Backed Securities (SIC 6189).
Earnings call coverage: We cover all companies listed on a U.S. exchange that hold earnings calls, over 3,000 companies.
Content Library
Earnings call transcripts
Conference & presentation transcripts
Press releases
EDGAR filings including 10-Ks, 10-Qs, 8-Ks (SEC-mandated news releases), NT forms (non-timely filing notifications) and SEC comment letters (UPLOAD) and more.
We’re always adding coverage so check back for updates.
How quickly does Hudson Labs process data and post results?
Earnings call summaries and related data generally posted within two hours of the end of the call. SEC filings are processed once every three hours. To see new results, hit refresh on your browser. During peak filing times, processing times may be longer.
Is there human review in the Hudson Labs process?
Summaries, memos, red flags, and risk scoring are all auto-generated, without human intervention.
How long is the Hudson Labs trial?
Trial the Hudson Labs platform for 5 days for free. To trial Hudson Labs, you must first book a demo here. Trials are available to institutional investors and enterprise customers.
We offer extended trials to MBA students, academics, and journalists.
How much does Hudson Labs cost?
Book a demo or reach out to your account executive for pricing.
Can students and journalists access Hudson Labs?
Contact us at to find out if you qualify for our program for students and journalists.
I am already a Hudson Labs subscriber, where do I login?
Login to our market intelligence platform at
How is Hudson Labs different from the common generative chat bots and other AI models?
Hudson Labs leads the market on factuality and repeatability in capital markets. Learn how we do it here - A Comparison of Generative Chatbots to Hudson Labs
Why does this risky company have a lower Hudson Labs risk score?
Our risk scores measure earnings quality and fraud risk, not generalized risk. Other types of risk are not incorporated into our scoring. Refer to the Hudson Labs Summary View for a more comprehensive view of risk in the platform.
Note that we also optimize for precision not recall when we train our models. This means that missing a few risky companies is inevitable. However, even when the risk score is low, we will identify relevant and informative red flags. Here are a few examples of red flags detected at low risk companies that helped us predict earnings outcomes - “Accounting policy changes boost tech earnings”.
If we have not answered your question here, reach out by booking a demo or contacting your account executive.